Whether they use cars, vans, trucks or buses, companies from every industry have designated vehicles to accomplish business tasks. From delivering goods to providing house calls to meeting with clients, your automobiles are essential to your daily routines. They help you get the job done quickly without having to rely on rentals or public transit. But if you want to make the most of your company cars and trucks, you should consider adding custom vehicle lettering and graphics.
When you create a graphic design for your automobiles, you should consider including the following elements.
- Company name: Regardless of what else you include, it’s essential to have your company’s name printed boldly and clearly. It’s the most basic information you can give about your business. Keep in mind that people need to be able to read it as you drive by. Making it simple and isolating it from other graphics or elements will give pedestrians and other drivers the best chances of accurately reading your name.
- Logo: In addition to your company’s name, you should also include the logo. Putting the two side by side will help viewers associate them, creating better brand recognition than using one independently of the other. Logos are noticeable and more easily identifiable than a name, making them perfect for moving vehicles.
- Slogan: If your company has a specific slogan or catchphrase associated with your brand, it may be helpful to add it to your graphic design. Not only will they help with brand recognition, but if they’re well-written, they can be very memorable. The point of advertising is to have your business stick in potential customers’ heads, and a catchy slogan can accomplish just that.
- Contact information: One of the most crucial pieces of information to include is some way people can get in touch with you. You can add a phone number, email, website address, social media handle or any combination you desire. For your graphics to be as effective as possible, you need to give interested customers a way to get in touch with your company or learn more.
- Branding: While each detail is equally crucial, you need to make sure every graphic you include has a design that matches your branding. From the fonts you choose to the color and style, the more cohesive everything is, the more recognizable your vehicle will be.